Puppy Wellness Care

We love the friendship and joy a new puppy brings! Please bring your puppy in for a check-up as soon as possible to establish a relationship with a veterinarian at Cotswold Animal Hospital, so that your canine companion will be sure to receive everything he or she needs to grow up healthy and strong.


Health Care for Puppies in Charlotte, NC

During your initial visit, we will perform a comprehensive preliminary examination to detect if your puppy has any potential health issues. We will also examine your pet for intestinal parasites and perform deworming if necessary. Growing dogs’ developing immune systems leave them more vulnerable to illness, so please ask our veterinarians about the schedule of preventative treatment that is best for your new pet’s first few months of life. After this period, we recommend bi-annual exams to maintain your dog’s good health.

At this time we are also happy to address any questions you have concerning care for your pet, such as diet and nutrition, behavioral issues, potty training, or vaccinations.

Puppy wellness care

We ask that you bring the health information provided to you by the seller or shelter on your first visit with us, which should include a previous history of vaccines and deworming, as well as a fresh stool sample.

Please also be alert to the following symptoms, as they are signs that your puppy needs immediate care:

  • Any respiratory problems, such as coughing, trouble breathing
  • Multiple episodes of vomiting or diarrhea
  • Allergic reactions, such as swelling around the face, or hives, most easily seen on the belly
  • Any eye injury, no matter how mild
  • Seizure, fainting, or collapse
  • Thermal Stress, either too cold or too hot, even if the dog seems to have recovered
  • Trauma received from any incident, even if the dog does not appear to have been physically harmed