Pet Surgical Services

Our team is trained to provide a number of safe general surgical procedures for your dog or cat. Some of the operations we perform include spaying and neutering, growth removals, laceration repair, orthopedic surgery, and soft tissue surgery.


Veterinary Surgical Services in Charlotte, NC

Before we begin any operation, we conduct a series of diagnostic screenings. Analyzing information from blood work will allow us to determine if it is safe to give your pet anesthesia, as well as if there are any preexisting medical conditions that should be addressed. Our on-site laboratory allows us to have the results back for many of these tests within an hour. All animals that undergo surgery have their blood pressure, heart rate, rhythm, and blood oxygen levels monitored by a specially designated veterinary technician and high-tech equipment.

Following your dog or cat’s operation, our staff is trained to perform a number of therapy techniques that will ease pain and promote faster recovery, complementing relief medication. Cotswold Animal Hospital also has on-call veterinarians that can provide short-term patient monitoring, if your pet needs extra time to recover before being taken home.

Please call us if you have questions regarding the procedures offered, or our hospital’s protocols. We would be more than happy to provide you with more information.